ツォルフェラインを含むエムシャー川一体、約800平方キロメートルの地帯はIBA(Internationale Bauausstellung、国際建築展)による地域開発が行なわれた。IBAの特徴として国内外から建築家や都市計画家を招き当時の最先端のテーマを探求実践しその結果を恒久的に展示する点が挙げられる。第一次大戦後に行なわれたシュトゥットガルトのワイゼンホフジードルンクや、ベルリンの壁崩壊後に行なわれたポツダム広場の再開発計画が有名。
Changed at Köln, arrived at Essen.
Here is Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, registered as UNESCO World Heritage in 2001, and under the master plan by OMA it was renovated to recreation park, design center and so on.
About 800 km square area along the Emscher river, including Zollverein, was developed by IBA (=Internationale Bauausstellung). A good point if IBA is to invite architects and city planer from all over the world, make them to think and practice about the trend and exhibit them permanently. Weissenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart after WWⅠ and Potsdamer Platz in Berlin after the collapse of Berlin Wall are famous.
Also in Zollverein, some architects joined it.
OMA renovated a coal mining plant to a museum.
Like coals which was carried from depth in the earth by conveyers, visitors move up to 23 meters high by a escalator imitated to a conveyer.
And access to each exhibition rooms thorough a stair case made in before mining shaft of 20 meters deep.
There are no place changed out-satandingly except these two parts. In the others part, original looks are preserved as possibly as can. It is a characteristic way to translate original function (mining plant, carrying of coals) to new program (museum, movements of visitors).
This is the only new made building.
"Zollverein Design School" (SANAA, 2006)
The site is near housing area in the complex, which has big scale. To adjust to two contrary scale, various sized windows are made.
And in Germany it is usual to make double concrete walls, between which is insulating material, but this building is a single wall, because it run groundwater, characteristic point in the mining site, in the walls and keep temperature.
Saw inside plant. Tools are very big.
Backed to the station, and went to a theater by Aalto. It is his last work and was completed after his death.
"Essen-Aalto Theater" (Alvar Aalto, 1988)
Aalto's characteristic organic curves are used and it makes luxury mood of the theater.
At the same time spaces are connected in vertical direction. It leads to dynamic composition I couldn't feel for his work before.My best Aalto's work.
In the lobby is the statue of him and the name of theater contain his name.
In Japan almost all architectures are not seen with the architect. Different position of architects in the society between Japan and others can be seen here.
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