
DAY 071



そして今日はこれからヨーロッパ最大の屋内テクノフェス『I Love Techno』へ行ってきます、楽しみ。

I heard that the reason why Dutch open their rooms without curtains is connected to the fact many of them are protestant. But I really go there and see, I felt the influence from city-scape is strong.
A bicycle lane makes the road wider and buildings which are on both sides of the road more distant. The same thing is can be said to the buildings which on the both sides of channel. I think the distance influences the unconsciousness to open.
Holland is famous for red districts, I wonder there are similarity between to show themselves as items through big windows and to open rooms.

"Dam" of Amsterdam and Rotterdam means a embankment and each mean "dam of the Amstel river" and "dam of Rotter river". Holland, quarter of which is a region minus meter below sea revel, has a long history to struggle with nature. Then, I think, people respect the artificial and can make good designed and highly motivated buildings. But wrapped buildings are big problem... In the future they maybe collapse.

And today I will go to the "I Love Techno", largest inside techno festival in Europe. 

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